Alphan Manas

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Email: alphan.manas[at]

Alphan Manas


  • Manas was born July 30, 1962, in İzmir, Turkey.
  • He graduated from Karşıyaka Ankara Primary School, Karşıyaka Junior High School and Atatürk High School in İzmir respectively.
  • He recieved bachelor’s degree from Ege University and became Textile Engineer in 1983.
  • Received his Master’s degree in “Production Management” from F.I.T. (Fashion Institute of Technology) of the State University of New York (SUNY) in 1987.
  • Attended Owners and Presidents Management (OPM) Program in Harvard Business School in 1994.


  • Worked as a Production Manager in New York factory of Tenba in 1986.
  • Returned to Turkey in 1987 as Country Manager of Colonial Corp. a subsidiary of Vicks Corp. a Fortune 500 company, sourcing apparel to major retailers in USA including Sears, K-Mart and JC Penny.
  • Co-founded Exim (1) in 1987, first company of Teknoloji Holding, an AI-DC (Automatic Identification and Data Collection – later called Internet of Things) total solutions provider. Besides being a shareholder, held General Manager position for 10 years. In 2005, Exim ranked 39th. in Deloitte Fast 50 (Fastest Growing Technology Companies of Turkey in last 5 years). Same year Exim ranked 185th. out of 500 international companies participated in Deloitte Fast 500 EMEA Program
  • From 1997 and on, he co-founded all of Teknoloji Holding (2)’s full subsidiaries, including: Planet (3) (distributor and regional partner of world’s largest EFT-POS manufacturer: Ingenico), Universal Kart Hizmetleri (4) (Third Party Credit Card / Debit Card / EFT-POS service provider) and Teknoser (5) (Technical service company serving the IT industry).
  • At Teknoloji Holding, he established Eniac-Tech (6) in Iran, Technology Ukraine (7) in Ukraine and Technology Egypt (8) in Egypt. He also participated in takeover of Veriset (9), specialized in warehouse automation and route management software. These companies were either sold to JV partners or closed in the long run.
  • Also served as Executive Board Member in JV’s of Teknoloji Holding, including: Mobicom (10) (Established with Çukurova Holding, KVK and Genpa in 1999, a Mobile Data Operator before GPRS ever existed); CPG (11) (Established in 2000, an Ericsson and Teknoloji Holding JV to market Ericsson’s switch-boxes in Turkey and MENA area); mPay (12) (Established in 2001 with Telenity and Teknoloji Holding to be Mobile Payment Services Provider. However encountered the barrier of GSM operators in Turkey and discontinued the operation); Sayot (13) (Established in 1999 with KVK and Teknoloji Holding to be Automated Meter Reading & Telemetry Services Provider) and DigiKids (14) (Established in 2000 with Turkcell and Teknoloji Holding to build Children’s TV Channel).
  • Co-founded and co-chaired Teknoloji Holding for 18 years, personally supervised the business and market development activities of the group.
  • In February 2006, he ended his shareholding in Teknoloji Holding, incorporating 7 companies into Brightwell Holdings BV (15) he established which is headquartered in the Netherlands. He invested in 24 companies through Brightwell Holdings BV.
  • He sold Brightwell Holdings BV’s establishment of Maya Enerji to Borusan Enerji after 2 years with 555 MW of installed capacity and licenses.
  • As a Serial and Innovative Entrepreneur, he founded (or participated in joint ventures) a total of 45 companies, partnered up with more than 60 partners in more than 10 sectors:
    • a) Design Services company: T-Design (16), (they’ve been operating under the name of Arman Tasarım today) TV Production company Konsensus (17) which produced the popular TV Game Show of 90’s:  ‘Hugo‘, Exclusive Sports Betting Operator in Turkey  (Inteltek) (18) and Online Sports Betting Operator Bilyoner (19).                              .
    • b) He partnered with more than 60 people (& companies) in 45 companies including with (24) companies in Brightwell Holdings.
    • c) Brightwell Holdings currently has 2 investments: In USA,  MCAP Holdings in Energy Storage and in the UK, Prolo Oil in  Green Polyurethane verticals.
    • d) He also invested in 5 start-up’s and scale-up’s in Turkey and abroad via Primrose Hill Ventures.
  • He personally conducted more than 20 M&A discussions. Market values of the companies he created and/or acted as executive board member reached to $1.5 billion with the revenues exceeding $17.5 billion (2021).
  • He participated in International M&A deals of Eclipse Aviation, Heuliez/ MIA Electric Car, Synergetic/ Tilter Electric Car, Think Electric Car and SAAB. He conducted the acquisition process of Synergetic/ Tilter Electric Car. Later, Technology Transfer became an issue with local French government. Turkish partners took to company to bankruptcy in French courts. Please (Click) for Press coverage of above International M&A deals.


  • In 1985, he served his short term military service in 57th. Artillery Brigade. He was given a Success Award due to his work ‘Transform Private Soldiers’ Exams into Computer Controlled Test Format’.
  • Became a Member to American Management Association in 1996. AMACOM is the biggest Management Association in USA, providing seminars and books to their members. He got distribution rights of a popular book of AMACOM, People Styles at Work distributed by Exim, E&E and Hewlett Packard sponsorship in Turkish.
  • Led and participated in several governmental level infrastructure projects in Turkey and supported related organizations with the preparation of laws, communiqués and government regulations. Some of these projects include Barcoding of Pharmaceuticals, Electronic Toll Collection System at Bridges and Highways, Census Automation (1997), Automatic Meter Reading, Fixed-odds Betting).
  • Became Turkey President of World Future Society in 2004.
  • Became the Honorary Consul General of Cambodia in Istanbul in November 2005. In December 2009, he received the Commander of the Royal Order of Cambodia. He left this post in December 2021.
  • Served as the Advisory Board Member in the Energy, Chemistry and Environment Institutes of TÜBİTAK’s (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Marmara Research Center in 2006 and 2007.
  • Served as the Advisory Board  Member of Boron Institute (Boren) in 2007
  • Founded the Millenium Project in Turkey in 2007. Millennium Project for the United Nations University is a global participatory research think tank of futurists, scholars, strategists, and policy makers who work for international organizations, governments, corporations, NGOs, and universities.
  • Elected to the Board of the Young Entrepreneurs Council of the Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges (TOBB) in 2009. As well as carrying out his position, he also continues to give lectures at universities on “Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Futurism”.
  • Elected as a Advisory Board Member of Geothermal Institute of Dokuz Eylül University in 2010.
  • In November 2015, he became a Advisory Council Member of Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Işık University.
  • Appointed as Innovation & Entrepreneurship Consultant to TİM (Turkish Exporters Assembly)  in February, 2016 and served for one year.
  • Appointed as Innovation Consultant to İHKİB (Istanbul Ready Made Garment & Apparel Exporters Association)  in April, 2016 and served for one year.



  • Wrote columns for Turkish edition of Forbes in 2006 and 2007 and Businessweek in 2008 and 2009. Starting from 2006, he was the editor in chief of FUTUREtakes, the publication of World Future Society for 5 years. He continues to share the compilations of his columns and articles and his comments on current developments in the world on his website,
  • He is also known as an “inventor” with dozens of high-tech and innovative patents.
  • He develops ideas to provide a higher quality of life, a better environment and improved products for civilizations in the near and the far future. He shares his works and experience through his “The Future” themed talks and conferences in Turkey and abroad.
  • He holds an Executive and Non-Executive Board Member positions in companies in Turkey and abroad.
  • He has three children

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